Week 38:Stuck in a holding pattern
Fetal development in pregnancy week 38

19.6 in | 49 cm
19.6 in | 49 cm
6.8 lbs | 3 kg
6.8 lbs | 3 kg
The final fat details are being rounded off before your rocket-baby's big launch onto planet earth and into your arms.
For one, your adorable poop-factory's meconium stockpile is growing (are you ready for that historical first tarry black poo?) as their baby fat stores continue to increase.
Most importantly, your wee genius' rapidly developing super-brain is abuzz with new brain cells that'll be growing for years to come.
Whether you give birth tomorrow (yes!) or next week (aw), your fantastic baby is pretty much 100% ready to face the world outside of your womb.
And by "ready", we mean unable to hold their own head up or do much of anything other than cry, pee, poop, and eat... and steal your heart and sleep
Alhamdulillahhh.....dh masuk minggu ke 38. Mak buyung pon dh semakin kritikal keadaan ni. Jalan banyak pon salaah, tdo pon salah. Dari ari jumaat dh rs cam ada sakit skit2. Cam dh nk bersalin pon ada, tp lps tu okeh blk. Heheehe...dia main2 nih. Asik mc jerrr nih. Masalah mak buyung ni yg paling masalah ialah opis kite kt tingkat 4 nun. Semput mak buyung nk panjat sampai atas nun...tu x kira krem abih semua..haaaaa....kalau opis dok bawah2 nih mmg x da la masalah sgt. Smlm x p keja g sbb rs sakit..mlm tu p Doc sbb mmg ada appoinment... skali dia cakap bukaan br 1cm lebih2....hah sudahh, cuma sakit tu lamaaaaa..lamaaaa skali rasa...xde tanda ke apa.Doc kate ni bila2 masa ja nk jadi ni. tgg sakit btui2 ja... Kalau yg dulu semua ada tanda...abih...camno nk p keje. Kang jd apa2 kat tingkat 4 nun camno nk turun wehhhh... lift x do. problem masalah btui. Sib bek haku dh apply cuti EDD tu awai seminggu stat minggu depan...tp minggu ni plan nk settle yg urgent2 supaya org len x penin....tp kita hanya merncang..Allah jua yg menentukan.
Ya Allah...Semoga dipermudahkan semuanya Ya Allah....Kawan2 doakan semuanya berjalan lancar dan selamat yer...Aminnn